$777.00 USD

Would you like to jump into a group of incredible souls already on the path of expansion led by Brittany Renee?

The Haven offers: Monthly live Group healing & activations, 2x a month Movement Sanctuary led by B, private chat group, VIP access to events and products and 2 years of banked content to binge on immediately!

This is a one time offer for 30 complimentary days in The Haven Membership ($44 p/mo after)

The Brittany Renee Experience

  • Congratulations on your special invite offer! We are so excited to share space and witness you!

    What you'll get:

    • Access to your Quantum Leap within The Brittany Renee Experience
    • General Admission Seating
    • Light Refreshments & High Vibrational Snacks
    • Event Materials and Resources via Email
    • Two days of immersive experiences