$44.44 USD
Every month
30 day trial
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One Month COMPLIMENTARY in The Aether
This is a safe space for growth, expansion and ascension. All are welcome here.
What you'll get:
One month complimentary in the Haven membership to support your stretch and quantum leap opportunities. We will meet 3x in December for Healing, Embodiment, Activation & Channeled Energy Updates.
Private telegram group
Access to a member library of nearly 3 years of content! This space holds activations, healings, meditations, energy forecasts & more!
(Once the 30 day challenge is complete you will resume $44.44 monthly payments for The Haven Membership until cancellation. By signing up for this challenge you agree to Brittany Renee's Terms & Services and Cancellation Policy. You are responsible for cancelling your membership at least 48 hours prior to the bill date. No refunds are available so please ensure you are timely if you choose to only join The Haven for the 30 day challenge.)